Work with me
Specializing in guided, yet gentle, deconstruction of Conservative “Purity Culture”, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Organized Christianity , and Mormonism:
Religious Recovery Sessions are readings given with the purpose of assisting someone through a past spiritual trauma. I encourage gentle exploration into the emotions, beliefs, and patterns that have arisen as a result of this trauma, offering an opportunity for deeper understanding and healing.
My sessions offer validation and acknowledgment of your experienced pain, confusion, or unworthiness that may have arisen from your experience. It helps to feel seen, heard, and understood, which can be an essential part of the healing process. Through the cards your session will offer clarity and perspective, bringing to light insights and hidden influences that may have contributed to the trauma or its impact. This broader perspective can aid you in reframing your experience and finding meaning within it, allowing for emotional healing and release.
I will support you in your emotional healing journey by giving new framework to your reality. Bringing attention to unresolved emotions, providing guidance on how to process and release them, and offering perspectives that were unknown to you before.
My goal for each session is to empower you to take an active role in your healing process. Encouraging self-reflection and self-compassion, tarot can act as a mirror, reflecting the strengths, resilience, and inner resources that you possess to navigate your healing journey. Reclaim your self-worth, heal from past wounds, and embrace a future filled with spiritual authenticity and personal growth.
I will provide you with actionable steps you can take to facilitate your healing, and regain a sense of spiritual well-being. As you explore new perspectives, beliefs, or practices that align with your evolving understanding of spirituality.
I will assist you through integration and moving into embodiment of a stronger, more resilient, and more authentic spiritual “you.”
It’s important to note that a tarot reading is not a substitute for professional therapy or counseling. If your trauma is severe or is deeply impacting your well-being, it is essential to seek out professional help.

"I am honored to guide you on a safe passage through the tarot"
"Safe Passage Podcast" Is now here to be another supportive resource for spiritual reclamation!